Looking to join (not to soon) and wondering where to start
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Author:  Jonah8420 [ Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Looking to join (not to soon) and wondering where to start

Hello, my name is Jonah, and I am 15. I understand that you must be at least of 18 years of age to join the 501st, but I am very interested in Star Wars, and I want to build myself a scout trooper suit, so that when I am 18 I can join. :D I first became interested in building a suit after my father had told me a month or two back that at one point in time he was going to build himself a storm trooper suit. So I began my research after becoming interested. I know that these can cost up into the thousands, but I have a job, I make money, I have time, and I have money put back already. In the next three years I would love to build myself a scout trooper suit. I am not a very crafty person, so I am not good with costume making, but I am good with assembling things. Anyways, I have no idea where to start, and would love some help :) All help is appreciated. And hopefully I can get to know you all :) Now I am trying to make this suit on the least expensive side, but I also want to make it within the 501st limits so that I may troop with you guys when I am of 18 years of age after sending in an app :) Sorry for any details I may have left out by accident, but I will check this regularly and will get back to any question as soon as possible. All help is appreciated :D Thanks ahead of time for any help! Also, I was thinking about going for a Kashyyyk Trooper but didnt know what extra work that would take. I also am wanting to get the pistol blaster.


Author:  duff [ Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking to join (not to soon) and wondering where to sta

Welcome to the NDG! The Biker scout is a great suit to get started with. Its a little more forgiving on the build than a TK and if your even modestly ok with a sewing machine you can make all of your soft goods. The Kashy is a bit more involved but not too much more work and they look pretty cool when done.

You definitely need to sign up on forums. They have all the resources, references and help you could ever want for either the regular BS or the Kashy. They also have sections for under 18's who are getting their armor built up for when they turn 18. They also have for sale threads so you can pick up new and used items you may need.

Im a little biased for the scout blasters since I make them for the troops. When you're in the market give me a shout, and I can hook ya up.

Feel free to shoot me a msg any time, I'd be happy to help ya out


Author:  topherhunter [ Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking to join (not to soon) and wondering where to sta

Hi Jonah,
Welcome. The scout will also be a bit more forgiving if you're still growing, since it doesn't have many pieces that have to fit together, unlike a TK. Duff's suggestion is good; get on and everyone will have lots of information. We have a handful of active scouts and planned scouts (myself included), so if you don't get what you need from BSN, give us a shout.

Author:  Ruck [ Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking to join (not to soon) and wondering where to sta

Welcome Jonah
This is a great garrison to be apart of, the people are great and always willing to help. Follow there advise and you'll get where your going. It's a great idea to think ahead like you are build it to spec right off and when your 18 send in those sub pics!!

Author:  Ruck [ Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking to join (not to soon) and wondering where to sta

Also try and make some of our events and meet our members. I found it to be less stressful to come out as a handler and help out while I was waiting on my armor and learn the ropes and meet the group.

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